If you've been following my posts for a little while you may have picked up on a few things. 1. I am super pissed I never snagged a tube of Heroine Lipstick by MAC and 2. I took a makeup seminar with the lovely Lora Arellano from Instragram @loreleicakes and I love her. Now combine these two things and it's only obvious that I purchased this lipstick by Lora's new makeup line, Melt Cosmetics. As an avid follower of hers I saw the announcement of her lipstick line and I was counting down the days to make a purchase (literally ordered the evening they came out). I decided to buy just the one color since I wanted to try the finish first, they are all ultra-matte which is genius and a testament to how closely her and her business partner are watching beauty trends because everyone is going bat shit for matte lippies. I have worn the lipstick and all I can see is I should have bought them all! I did some trial runs with Currant Lip Liner from MAC and layering it with MAC's Dreaminess Lipstick for fun, but I found that I really love it by itself.