How To: Keep Your Lipstick from Bleeding/ Fading

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In case anyone was looking for a solution to lipstick bleeding but did not want to spend the money on a product to prevent it from doing that, here are some tips I've picked up on how to prevent that, and can be done with any product...

Step 1. Apply Lipliner- I personally almost never wear a lipstick without a liner because A. I usually like the liner to be a bit darker to create a contrast, and also because it sets a good foundation on the lips for the color to stay.
Step 2. Apply Color with a Lip Brush- This step might sound tedious but it makes a huge difference, gives you more control and wastes less color.
Step 3. Blot- After your first layer of lipstick, blot it with a tissue
Step 4. Add Translucent Powder (Optional) - This helps set the first layer of lipstick and sets a good foundation for the second layer and will really lock in the color
Step 5. Add a Second Layer of color - With your lips brush put on that final top coat
Step 6. Blot Once More- Blot one last time and your are good to go with color that will last all night!

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