Update: I'm Still Here!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I know it's been months since I posted on here and even though I've been super busy with things that really is no excuse and I apologize. Honestly aside of me being completely busy I have also found that I'm lacking some motivation/inspiration to create post.
I try really hard to make sure that my posts are meaningful and are something that I as a reader would want to read and in the past couple of months I haven been able to conjure up anything worthy enough. I don't want to just make posts for the sake of throwing something up on the site, I want to put effort into them and give you the most informative and hopefully fun information I can deliver. 
With that being said I am in the process of completely changing my website as well as the blog to better reflect myself, my style and my lifestyle at the moment. I am currently working in the beauty industry as well as my new adventure into the plus size fashion industry and I want tho blog to now reflect that. I have been putting more time and effort into my outfits and would love to share those with you along with my usually beauty tips and tricks. 
Like I said I am still really busy so I am doing what I can to make some great summer posts for everyone so please stay tuned! I am still very happy and surprised at all the hits my blog continues to receive even with my absence and this is just more motivation to deliver more great posts. If you have any comments or suggestions I would love to hear them! Thanks for reading for continuing to subscribe :) ttys 

Fresh hair, makeup and necklace ;) 

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